Donnez une touche spéciale à votre bouteille EQUA en verre avec un bouchon différent !
Ces magnifiques bouchons sans BPA sont disponibles en 9 couleurs différentes et donnent un aspect stylé à votre bouteille. Ils sont de haute qualité et compatibles avec les bouteilles Squeeze et Mismatch.
Le bouchon est fabriqué en acier inoxydable, en Tritan et il a à l'intérieur un anneau en silicone qui assure l'étanchéité de la bouteille.
Le meilleur de tout cela ? Vous pouvez également le graver pour donner une touche très unique à votre bouteille.
Strange things start to grow under the cap, so since you can't clean it, you have to buy a new one, just the opposite of what we're trying to achieve by choosing glass over plastic.
Although brand is going for "sustainibility", it is mandatory to keep buying new plastic caps for the bottles.
Not only the plastic has to be thrown out after a while, also to postal CO2 is perhaps a problem on its own.
the cog like design of the inner cap is unfortunate and keeps all kind of little stuff there at the corners, gets slowly nearly moldy.
yes, i tried to clean it with sponge, brush, rice & baking powder, detergant... also soaked different periods of time, operated with toothpick... those corners are not reachable and i alctually would like to know the reason of such a design, why not a smooth surface with no indentations.
another problem is that loose rubber rings; im afraid to see what is growing underneat everytime I remove to clean or change it. Also it holds on to the smell of detergants etc. very unpleasent to drink right after opening the cap.
needless to say, im here to buy again, because i have to; but im hoping EQUA will come up with better & more innovative design for the caps.
this maybe a business plan to "sell" more, but instead i would like to have option to buy more expensive one but buy less of them.